How to Create and Use a Bash Script to Build and Rename Flutter APKs

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Category : mobile   flutter

When building Flutter apps, automating repetitive tasks can save a lot of time. One such task is building an APK and renaming it with a timestamp to track different builds easily. In this tutorial, we will create a Bash script that automates this process by:

Deleting previous APKs with the same prefix.

Running the Flutter build command.

Renaming the generated APK with a timestamp.

This is especially useful for version management and organizing build artifacts efficiently.

Bash Script to Build and Rename Flutter APK

Here’s the full Bash script:

Code Explanation

1. Define Directories and Prefix


This sets the directory where the APK will be saved and defines a prefix (makanmakan) that will be used in the APK filename.

2. Generate a Timestamp

TIMESTAMP=$(date +"%y_%m_%d_%H_%M")

A timestamp in the format yy_MM_dd_hh_mm is generated and appended to the APK filename.

3. Delete Previous APKs

echo "Deleting previous APKs matching prefix '${APK_PREFIX}'..."
find "$APK*DIR" -name "${APK_PREFIX}*\*.apk" -exec rm -f {} \;

This finds and removes old APKs that match the prefix to keep the directory clean.

4. Build the Flutter APK

flutter build apk --release --no-tree-shake-icons

This runs the Flutter build command in release mode, excluding tree-shaking for icons to prevent missing assets.

5. Rename and Move the APK

if [ -f "${APK_DIR}app-release.apk" ]; then
mv "${APK_DIR}app-release.apk" "$FILE_PATH"
echo "APK built and saved as $NEW_APK"
echo "Error: Flutter build did not generate an APK."
exit 1

After building, the script checks if the APK exists. If so, it renames it using the timestamp. If not, an error message is displayed.

How to Use the Script

1. Create the Script File

Save the script as in your Flutter project root.

2. Give Execution Permission

Run the following command to make the script executable:

chmod +x

3. Run the Script

Execute the script by running:



This Bash script streamlines the APK build process by automating renaming and cleanup tasks. It helps keep track of builds efficiently without manual intervention. By following this tutorial, you can enhance your Flutter development workflow with a simple yet powerful automation script.

Happy coding!

About Anhar Tasman
Anhar Tasman

Full Stack Developer

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About Anhar Tasman

With over 5 years of experience in programming, I have successfully developed mobile and web applications for a variety of clients. In my most recent role as Senior Programmer, I have consistently delivered high-quality work, resulting in a 20% increase in client satisfaction within 6 months. Available for new projects in 2 weeks.

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