Download From Google Drive using Docker Ubuntu

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Category : jekyll   docker   ubuntu

Sometime i failed to download from google drive by using browser, so i use terminal to do the job, with gdown in ubuntu, but what if you not using ubuntu, what if you use mac, can you use gdown in mac? Yes you can but for me the steps is too long so i prefer to use docker, then make an ubuntu container and run gdown from that container, maybe this tutorial can help you to do that

1. Prepare The File ID

You can get the file id from the file link{fileId}/view?usp=drive_link

2. Prepare your container

Go to your download folder and run the following command

docker run --name udownload -it -v "$(pwd)":/myDownload  -p 80:80 ubuntu

3. Prepare the libraries

Run the following commands to install the necessary libraries

apt update

apt install python3-pip -y

pip3 install gdown

4. Run the container

After that, you can run the container with the following command

docker exec -i udownload gdown {fileId} -O /myDownload/myCV.pdf

you can change {fileId} with your File ID and myCV.pdf with your File Name

I hope that helps you guys, have a nice day!

About Anhar Tasman
Anhar Tasman

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About Anhar Tasman

With over 5 years of experience in programming, I have successfully developed mobile and web applications for a variety of clients. In my most recent role as Senior Programmer, I have consistently delivered high-quality work, resulting in a 20% increase in client satisfaction within 6 months. Available for new projects in 2 weeks.

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