Creating a Simple Name Faker in Flutter

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Category : mobile   flutter

In this tutorial, we will create a simple utility class in Dart to generate random Indonesian names. This can be useful for testing applications, generating dummy user data, or simulating user input in your Flutter project.

Step 1: Creating the UtilFaker Class

Create a new Dart file named util_faker.dart inside the lib folder of your Flutter project. Then, define the class as follows:


  • We define a private list _indonesianNames containing sample Indonesian names.

  • The randomName getter selects a random name from the list using the Random class from dart:math.

Step 2: Using UtilFaker in Your Flutter Project

Now that we have our faker utility class, let’s use it inside a Flutter widget.

Example: Displaying a Random Name in a Flutter App

Open your main.dart file and update it with the following code:

What This Code Does:

  • It displays a randomly generated Indonesian name when the app starts.

  • When the button is pressed, a new name is generated and displayed.

Where to Use This Faker Class

The UtilFaker class can be used in various scenarios, such as:

  • Testing: Generate random names for UI testing without needing a real database.

  • Prototyping: Fill in dummy user profiles while designing a UI.

  • Game Development: Assign random character names in a game.

  • Mock APIs: Simulate API responses with randomly generated names.


In this tutorial, we created a simple name faker utility in Dart and integrated it into a Flutter application. You can expand this class by adding more names or generating full names instead of just first names.

About Anhar Tasman
Anhar Tasman

Full Stack Developer

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About Anhar Tasman

With over 5 years of experience in programming, I have successfully developed mobile and web applications for a variety of clients. In my most recent role as Senior Programmer, I have consistently delivered high-quality work, resulting in a 20% increase in client satisfaction within 6 months. Available for new projects in 2 weeks.

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